The exhibition displays the Virgin and Child before an Archway by Albrecht Dürer (Nuremberg 1471-1528) and some of his famous engravings from Luigi Magnani’s collection, which is kept by the Magnani-Rocca foundation in the Mamiano villa of Traversetolo, also known as “Villa dei capolavori” (Villa of Maserpieces), near Parma.
It is around this amazing core of works by the master from Nuremberg, that the exhibition beats a path dedicated to two specific topics of great relevance to Western art: motherhood and melancholy, the latter being continuously associated, since the Renaissance, with creative and artistic thinkers. A narrative that showcases antique, modern and contemporary works as its speakers.
Albrecht Dürer
Madonna col Bambino, 1495-1497
Gino Severini
Gino Severini
Maternità, 1916
Maternità, 1919-1920
Adolfo Wildt
Madre (Madre Ravera), 1929
Umberto Boccioni
Mia madre, 1907
Umberto Boccioni
Nudo di spalle (Controluce), 1909
Hubert Kostner
Scultore sudtirolese
Bildstöckl, 2014
Madonna col Bambino in trono, 1460-1470
Giovanni Segantini
L’angelo della vita
(Dea cristiana), 1894
Max Klinger
Una madre I, II e III
dalla serie Drammi, 1883
Andrea Mastrovito
Mia madre mi disse, 2023
Giorgio de Chirico
Autoritratto con il fratello Andrea, 1924
Mario Sironi
Figura con vaso
(Figura femminile), 1924
Albrecht Dürer
Melencolia I, 1514
Umberto Boccioni
Beata Solitudo Sola Beatitudo, 1907
Giorgio de Chirico
La matinée angoissante, 1912
Felice Casorati
Una donna (L’attesa), 1918-191
Fabrizio Clerici
I cipressi, la pialla, il compasso, 1980
Giovanni Segantini
Autoritratto, 1895
Albrecht Dürer
San Gerolamo nella cella, 1514
Rembrandt van Rijn
Il dottor Faust, 1652 ca.
Giorgio Morandi
Rembrandt van Rijn
Grande natura morta scura, 1934
Nudo femminile disteso
(La negra sdraiata), 1658
Gaetano Previati
Chiaro di luna, 1891-1892
Michele Parisi
Vertigine, 2023